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The Best Time to Post on Pinterest and How to Increase Pinterest Engagement

The Best Time to Post on Pinterest and How to Increase Pinterest Engagement

Pinterest marketing is a great way to scale the growth of your blog or business. There are various things that can help your pins to be discovered, like SEO, good design, and more. But other factors, such as when and how often you pin, also play a role in reaching a large audience. Knowing the best time to post on Pinterest may put your pins in front of an audience of thousands.

Timing is key when it comes to pinning ! Posting at the wrong time means that no one will see your content. Make sure you know the best times to post on Pinterest before publishing the pins, so that your followers can interact with your pins as soon as they show up. Here are a few tips on just how you can do that!

What is the Best Time to Post on Pinterest?

Source: Simplified

Determining the absolute best time to post on Pinterest will typically depend on the type of account you have and your target audience. However, to get you started on how you can go about creating your posting schedule, here are a few general guidelines!

A study by CoSchedule last year found that different times work better for different companies’ Pinterest pages. They used data from various digital marketing firms to come to this conclusion. The results found that users are typically most active from around 8 to 11 p.m. and in the afternoon in their respective time zone. The most popular timings included:

  • 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. (peaking at 9 p.m.) 
  • 2 a.m. to 4 a.m.
  • 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
  • 1 pm. to 3 p.m. 

However, as we mentioned before, the best time to post on Pinterest also depends on factors related to you, like:

  • Where your target audience is located.
  • Your account niche.
  • Where your existing audience is located and their consumption patterns.

Bonus: 8 Free Pinterest Schedulers to Engage New Shoppers

Which are the Best Days to Post on Pinterest?

Within the specific time slots given above, any day is a good day to upload your new pins on the app since those are the times when people usually spend scrolling on Pinterest. However, the weekends are probably the best days to post on Pinterest.

This especially includes Friday and Saturday, as they’re the days when people are the most active on social media.

How Do I Increase Engagement on Pinterest?

Pinterest takes engagements into account when distributing and ranking pins. They want to show users high-quality, relevant pins, so the more engagements a pin has, the more it will be shown in other users’ feeds. Additionally, engagements can help Pinterest determine exactly what your pin is about. They then show it to an audience that may be interested in it.

Here are some of the top ways you can increase engagement in your Pinterest posts:

  • Write effective pin descriptions.
  • Create multiple boards related to your brand.
  • Pin valuable/related content from other users.
  • Choose captivating cover images for your boards.
  • Comment on pins and converse with other users.
  • Create promoted ads on Pinterest.
  • Include CTAs (call to actions) for every pin.
  • Pin content regularly.
  • Post at the absolute best time.

Bonus: How To Create Pinterest Pins That Go Viral

How To Schedule Pinterest Posts

Simple! Just schedule your posts and rest easy. Simplified is the absolute best app that you can use to schedule your pins to be automatically posted right when you want them to. Here’s how you can schedule your pins using Simplified’s Pinterest scheduler:

  1. On the ‘Calendar Planner’, click on the ‘+’ icon or ‘New Post’ in the upper right corner.
  2. Select ‘Pinterest’.
  3. Add your project from your media library or design from the calendar.
  4. Click the arrow in ‘Schedule’ and choose the date and time you want your post to appear (or) just add it to your queue!

And that’s it! How simple was that?

With Simplified, you can also design and create Pinterest pins from scratch, create videos for your Pinterest, and write super catchy content for your pin descriptions using the AI copywriter.

Discover The Best Time to Post on Pinterest to Shine and Grow Quickly!

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Vipin Kanwal
Design, Write, Edit videos, and Publish Content. Built For Teams.

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